You can also retrieve your lost or forgotten Turnitin password by following the procedures outlined below.The following video provides instructions on how to review the similarity score: You can now use the details you’ve just created to log in to Turnitin. Your password must be between 6 and 12 characters in length, containing at least one letter and one number. Create a password for use with your account.Follow the link you’ll find in the email.Back to your email inbox! This time look out for the subject line ‘ Create your Turnitin account‘.

Getting an error message? Check with your account administrator that they’ve spelled your name correctly! We ask you to confirm it here for security reasons. The information you use during the account setup is provided to us by your Administrator.

Students can also submit their assignments on Turnitin by following the procedures outlined below. How to Submit Your Assignment on Turnitin Then click on the login button to access your Turnitin dashboard.Go to (or if you are in the UK) and click on the “Log In” button located at the top right corner.To get started, follow the procedures outlined below. You can also access the Turnitin page by login in with your credentials. How to Access Turnitin Portal Login as a Student From the completed user profile creation page, click on Log in to Turnitin.To continue using Turnitin, click on I agree - create a profile. Select a secret question from the drop-down menu.The user password must be between six and twelve characters long and contain at least one letter and one number. Enter the user’s first name, last name, and a valid e-mail address to use as the login for Turnitin.Enter the class ID number and the case-sensitive Turnitin class enrollment key.The Create a New Turnitin Student Profile form must be completed to create a new student user account.Click on the Create Account link next to the Log In button.How to Create a Turnitin Account as a Studentīefore you can gain access to Turnitin, you must first of all, create an account. Instructors may distribute this data or may add students to a Turnitin class themselves, which will send an automatic welcome email, allowing access to the account.