I f the WMTS map that you want to use is not in the WGS84 EPSG: 4326 or 3857, please contact us at However, y ou should be able to use a WMTS map in virtually any coordinate system in Maptionnaire. You can use WMTS layers as base maps or as overlays in your questionnaire. To use these types of maps, you need to connect to the server and choose the map layer or layers that you want to use. You can check the official websites of the tile providers to know about the available types and the code for it.WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) is a geographic information system database that contains different map layers. These types too can be passed in the urlTemplate itself as shown in the below example.

For example, Bing Maps provide map types like Road, Aerial, AerialWithLabels etc. Some of the providers provide different map types. You can use the URL returned from this method to pass it to the urlTemplate property. You can create an API key by following the steps mentioned in this link and append this key to the bing map url before pass it to the getBingUrlTemplate method. The subscription key is needed for bing maps. Hence, we have added a top-level getBingUrlTemplate method which returns the URL in the required format. The format of the required URL varies from the other tile services. Īn additional step is required for the Bing maps. The urlTemplate property accepts the URL in WMTS format i.e. The URL of the providers must be set in the MapTileLayer.urlTemplate property.

The MapTileLayer needs to be added in the layers collection in SfMaps. The tile layer renders the tiles returned from web map tile services such as Bing Maps, OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps, TomTom, etc.